The FRS Training Best Practice Milking Course – What You Need To Know

The FRS Training Best Practice Milking Course – What You Need To Know

The FRS Training Best Practice Milking Course is specifically designed to develop your skills as a milker to ensure that all cows are milked efficiently and effectively integrating top quality milk, food safety, herd health and dairy cow welfare.

Milking Process Technique is a QQI level 6 course delivered in conjunction with Teagasc and Animal Health Ireland.

Specifically trained tutors will go through theory and practical over 2 days along with an overall assessment to award the learner with QQI level 6 certificate in Milking Process Technique.

Course content includes preparing the parlour and learning the correct method for cluster attachment. The overall milking routine, milk quality and was washing up will also be looked at. In addition, the tutor also goes through Mastitis – what it is & how to prevent, best practice in drying off and signs of heat detection.

Routines will vary between farms, parlour types, and different systems, but there are operations that should always be carried out. Attendees will look at these and the different parlour set ups. Also, time will be given to chat through animal treatments, dosing and recording etc. and best practice for chemical usage.

The milking process is an essential asset to a dairy farm and the performance is paramount to the continued success of production. Having a competent milker who is familiar with a good milking routine is essential. The advantages of having a good milking routine include:

  • Reduce stress on cows
  • Early detection of Mastitis
  • Better milk quality
  • Reduced repetitive strain injury
  • Lower somatic cell count and less mastitis
  • Better cow flow through the parlour

For more information about the FRS Training Best Practice Milking Course, go to